518 491 617
419 875
419 818 719 849
514 918 919
914 419 81
419 814
419 818719 914481
814 418 719
519 498 719 41
894 719 78 48
814 418 81
414 81 88
83 48 806
24 27 483
19 83 202
13 58 372
07 99 720
31 12 197
02 87 297
04 73 732
05 50 561
06 17 557
43 11 902
15 52 296
40 44 010
05 40 511
23 26 940
27 41 300
56 51 521
08 08 888
77 12 000
54 37 117
22 26 980
06 11 507
13 18 045
99 67 153
13 24 686 9789 4516
80 49 627
61 79 255
06 11 916
86 85 931
96 81 257
56 57 893
42 88 112
25 21 064
Universal Engineers is a leading manufacturer & suppliers of Constant Velocity Joint / C . V Joints, which are imported substitute & also supplied as per custom designs , precision engineering spares .
Universal Engineers is the leading manufacturer of Constant Velocity Joint / C . V Joints, as per ASTM or DIN standard as per the specifications / drawings supplied by clients of various industries .
Universal Engineers is a leading manufacturer & suppliers of Disc type Constant Velocity Joint / C . V Joints, which are imported substitute & also supplied as per custom designs .
Universal Engineers is the leading manufacturer of Disc Type Constant Velocity Joint / C . V Joints, as per ASTM or DIN standard as per the specifications / drawings supplied by clients of various industries .
11 67 692
99 61 378
17 94 625 826 95413
16 23 948
13 13 42525
22 18 609
20 20 228
16 57 922
42 60 512
51 86 923
479 626 8554 9723
88 27 465
11 33 517
88 44 242
55 76 781
52 484 965 1023
113 585 9623 4515
519 7148
33 37 899
14 898 7256
45 892 456 7478 69925
55 76 781
15 52 296
519 7148
8931719, 519381
33 45 634
Universal Engineers manufactures Precision items or Assemblies as per ASTM or DIN standard as per the specifications / drawings supplied by clients of various industries .
Products like Spur Gears, Ball Screws, Helical Gears , Leveler Rolls, Work Rolls , U J Cross , Universal Joints, Cardan Shaft, C V Joints, Couplings, Circular Blades, Shearing knives , Hydraulic Cylinders, precision engineering spares, etc are some of the items, supplied by Universal Engineers .